Josef Kowalsky

Josef Kowalsky is an instrumental jazz project whose leader and composer is Amsterdam-based bass player, Marta Golka. The band came together in early 2022 to breathe life into the ideas from Marta’s master research on incorporating elements of progressive metal into jazz.
Rhythmical complexities started to intertwine with catchy harmonies and Marta, being a fan of Franz Kafka’s, saw an analogy to the skilful mixture of darkness and absurd in his writing. It seemed only fitting to have the band named after the main character of Kafka’s iconic novel “The Trial.”
Josef Kowalsky is a 5-piece band featuring alto saxophone, guitar, piano, bass and drums. Their music is characterised by an abundance of odd and changing metres, but with great emphasis on strong melodies and groove, which makes the music approachable despite its complexity. The band has just recorded their debut EP which will come out in Autumn 2023.
Year: 2022 --
Michael Murray
Ante Medić
Jorge Fernández
Marta Golka
Diego Miranda
Michael Murray
Ante Medić
Jorge Fernández
Marta Golka
Diego Miranda
TivoliVredenburg: Jazz Rookies
With this project I am exploring the interconnection between jazz and the music of my youth: punk, rhythm-and-blues, pop and many other genres. I am very much drawn to the boundaries of jazz as an art form. How can I use different musical elements from the pop world, in the broadest sense of the word, in a "jazz setting"? How far can I stylistically step out of the "jazz framework" as a jazz musician without completely abandoning it?
I would like to go back to the music I grew up with and give it a clear place in my own work.
Year: 2022
Notable performances:
Jazz Rookies, TivoliVrendenburg, 2022
Notable performances:
Jazz Rookies, TivoliVrendenburg, 2022
Ante Medić
Michael Murray
Alvaro Artime Jimenez
Dean Montanaro
Domen Cizej
Ante Medić
Michael Murray
Alvaro Artime Jimenez
Dean Montanaro
Domen Cizej

photo © Ilona Mrgole
“Once upon a time in a distant corner of the universe...
An asteroid drifted aimlessly throughout the cosmos, across the aeons and into our galaxy, eventually colliding with a planet ruled by a primal order and chaos. This cataclysmic event, in turn, sent a chunk of the Earth into space, which eventually became the moon, but it also created something else...
It created THE EARGONAUT, the funkiest cosmic body in our galaxy.
Now, millennia later, The Eargonauts, the inhabitants of the Eargonaut (the oddly ear-shaped planetoid), drift together in the void of space attuned to the frequencies of the cosmos.
These sonic sorcerers beam their interstellar melodies of contemporary jazz masterfully mixed with a wide range of genres down to Earth as a gift for all. Feel the gravity of their groove.
They are the Eargonauts, and they come in peace.” - Chris Wallace
Eargonauts was a contemporary jazz project led by guitarist and composer Ante Medic and drummer Domen Cizej.
Years active: 2018 - 2020
Notable performances:
UJazz Festival - TivoliVredenburg, 2018
Kamfest (SLO), 2018
Crossover Festival (CRO), 2018
Gallus Hall, Cankarjev Dom (SLO) 2019
Jazz Club, Ljubljana Castle (SLO), 2019
Appearance on NPO 2 Soul & Jazz Co Live! radioshow, 2019
Self released EP Eargonauts, 2019
Notable performances:
UJazz Festival - TivoliVredenburg, 2018
Kamfest (SLO), 2018
Crossover Festival (CRO), 2018
Gallus Hall, Cankarjev Dom (SLO) 2019
Jazz Club, Ljubljana Castle (SLO), 2019
Appearance on NPO 2 Soul & Jazz Co Live! radioshow, 2019
Self released EP Eargonauts, 2019
Ante Medić
Albert Kerekeš
Domen Cizej
Dean Montanaro
Ante Medić
Albert Kerekeš
Domen Cizej
Dean Montanaro
Shanzhai Sonata
“Shanzhai sonata is a research turned into film about data driven technologies. In particular, machine learning prediction algorithms and their prospective impact on the environmental and human scales. It depicts an imminent future where such services become integrated into the post-work economy in response to automation. Through a deliberately meta cinematic language, the benefits and the hazards, always in a tango, lead the audience along the line of what is and what might be. The lead role of the speculative ‘might be’ is played by Presense, a new machine learning platform.
The research began at Strelka Institute of Media, Architecture and Design and was originally developed by Igor Sladoljev, Gleb Papyshev, Sveta Gorlatova and Artem Nikitin in 2019 under the title Presense and presented at Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture the same year.”
- Igor Sladoljev
The soundtrack is written by Ante Medić.
Year: 2020

Played by:
Ante Medić
Andrea Leone
Jonathan Ho Chin Kiat
Domen Cizej
Ante Medić
Andrea Leone
Jonathan Ho Chin Kiat
Domen Cizej
photo © Igor Sladoljev

photo © Ani Jo
Himarck was a contemporary jazz quartet led by guitarist and composer Ante Medic and pianist and composer Victor Tsilimparis.
After playing together for many years in various jazz projects and collaborations, the desire arose to create a group with no stylistic boundaries in which both musical and improvisational freedom could thrive with set rules. We composed material as precise as classical music scores, combined with the concept of open and intuitive improvisation.
The cooperation eventually gave birth to years of performing and the Himarck EP, released on Zennez Records. With this band we aimed for a group sound characterized by organic interplay between piano and electric guitar and the acoustic reverberant quality of ECM’s catalogue, combined with the constant search for more raw edge fusion-like timbres.
Years active: 2017 - 2019
Notable performances:
UJazz Festival - TivoliVredenburg, 2017
CloudNights - TivoliVredenburg, 2017
NPO 2 Soul & Jazz Co Live! - Nick Vollebregt recording sessions/live radio show, 2019
Himarck EP (ZenneZ Records), 2019
Featured on NPO 2 Soul & Jazz, Co Live! Nick Vollebregt Jazz Cafe, compilation, 2018-2019
Notable performances:
UJazz Festival - TivoliVredenburg, 2017
CloudNights - TivoliVredenburg, 2017
NPO 2 Soul & Jazz Co Live! - Nick Vollebregt recording sessions/live radio show, 2019
Himarck EP (ZenneZ Records), 2019
Featured on NPO 2 Soul & Jazz, Co Live! Nick Vollebregt Jazz Cafe, compilation, 2018-2019
Ante Medić
Victor Tsilimparis
Floris Van Elderen
Gediminas Stepanavičius
Ante Medić
Victor Tsilimparis
Floris Van Elderen
Gediminas Stepanavičius
Plumbus V
Plumbus V was an eclectic jazz / experimental / post-rock collaborative project led by drummer Stefan Jansen. All music was written by the entire group of participating artists.
The idea behind the group was to bring together different musicians from different backgrounds (classical / pop / jazz / metal) and compose the musical pieces in real time through extended improvisational playing sessions.
Our vision was a back to the garage kind of approach: Plumbus V aimed to escape the very structured, complicated and at times predictable world of jazz and classical music, and go back to where most of us started playing music: jamming in the garage.
Years active: 2019
Ante Medić
Stefan Jansen
Mailin Grüber
Dirge Seçil Kuran
Eli Westerveld
Ante Medić
Stefan Jansen
Mailin Grüber
Dirge Seçil Kuran
Eli Westerveld